Stuck in the Pandemic Doldrums?

I hope that this finds you, your family and friends in good health. After staying in our homes for weeks on end, many of us have developed serious cabin fever. Over the years, working with clients in all types of life situations, I have witnessed first hand, how making even the most minor change to a living space, can lift our spirits. 

Since we are pretty much stuck indoors, why not use this time to re-accessorize your home? It is more fun than reorganizing your closets and can instantly give your space a fresh feel and reboot its style. An added bonus is that no purchases are needed, it’s not necessary to discard your existing accessories or leave the comfort of your home!

Celebrate Personal Style

Accessories give a living space interest and distinction. When you use items that truly speak to you, they provide a deeper connection and attachment to your surroundings. They also speak volumes about you to the rest of the world. 

It is both the accessory selection and arrangement that contribute to a successful end result. There are no hard and fast rules to follow, but I find the following rather loose guidelines helpful.

It’s All in the Details

Before you dive in, take a look around your space and assess the situation.              Do your accessories need to be pared down? It’s not uncommon to keep adding and adding items without taking anything away, diluting their effectiveness. Just removing a few items, can make a noticeable difference by itself.

One of the simplest ways to instantly refresh a space, without any financial investment, is to remove all of the accessories and only put half to two thirds of them back. Making sure that they are placed in different locations or grouped together in a new arrangement will make them feel new again!

Some Basics

• The most interesting accessories are personal, imaginative and not dictated by trends or fashion. Juxtapose opposites to create interest. Combine old with new, rare with ordinary, expensive with thrift shop finds.

• Scale is important. The size of an accessory must relate to it’s surroundings. For example, a 12-inch square accent pillow will totally disappear on a nine-foot long sofa or sectional. 

• A composition of items that vary in size, usually feels most balanced when the taller and heavier objects are placed at the rear. 

• Grouping small objects together will create greater scale and presence. I have a collection of small frogs, which are similar in size and color, but varied in material and texture. The group stands proudly atop a stack of  books on my coffee table. Individually displayed, they would become instant wallflowers.

• Not every item can play a leading role. As in a dramatic production, some objects must assume supporting roles so that the “stars” aren’t upstaged. 

• Vary the texture of objects to create contrast and interest. Like items in the same texture, become monotonous. A zillion years later, I can hear my design professor reciting “shiny, dull, rough and smooth”, as he critiqued our school projects.

• Create a collection by grouping items according to a common theme. The common thread can be almost anything… the type of object, the shape, size, color, material, etc..  A friend created a collection of inexpensive white  porcelain bowls in varied shapes and sizes. Sitting on a black table surface, the shapes and textures came alive, making a stark, dramatic statement.

• Last but not least… try not to be too serious. Incorporate some humor whenever possible.

Remember Your Best Friend

Don’t overlook your pet’s accessories. There are tons of stylish, edgy selections to choose from. It’s no longer necessary to have a tartan plaid pet bed in the middle of your mid-century modern living room. If your pet’s bed looks a little worn, take a look online at some possible new options, without ever having to leave home! 

Embrace Change

Ideally the accessories in your home should evolve, as your life and home evolve. When approached as an on-going process, it keeps your living space feeling fresh. 

It is my hope that some of these ideas will inspire you to shake the cobwebs off of your home accessories and shift your mood by bringing some new style and polish to your home! 

This entry was posted in Change.